Mr. Wiggle's Book by Paula Craig
and What Happened to Marion's Book? by Brook Berg.
The students love both books and we discuss how to take care of our books. They share ideas of what to keep their library books away from and we come up with the 4 biggies:
1. Pets
2. Babies and Toddlers
3. Food
4. Liquid
The students don't have to bring their books home, it is their choice, but if they do...
We also talk about great places they can keep their books if they bring them home:
1. High enough to keep away from babies and pets
2. Out in the open, so they don't forget about it (maybe on a shelf or dresser)
We also discuss how a backpack is a great place to store a library book! Then if you are home you have your book, and if you are at school you have your book. They do have to be careful of what else if in their backpack. Last year we had books ruined in a backpack that also had a banana in it and others were ruined when they got put in a backpack that had an open carton of chocolate milk in it! (I never understood that one!)
They are great learners and understand how important it is to take care of their books! They got this bookmark as their reward after we read the Marion book.
Happy Reading!!