back to school 2

Monday, April 14, 2014


D.E.A.R. stand for Drop Everything And Read. We had a Drop Everything And Read Day this past Friday! It was great fun! We all wore our pajamas, and pajamas on Friday makes for a fantastic day! We also had 10 guest readers drop in at their convenience between 8 a.m. and 1p.m. and read to classes. Every class had at least one guest reader, and some had more!

You may remember that Beverly Cleary wrote about D.E.A.R. in Ramona Quimby, Age 8. Since then, “Drop Everything and Read” programs have been held nationwide on April 12th in honor of Mrs. Cleary’s birthday. We figured, why not “drop” the “day” and celebrate our beloved author, her timeless stories, and the joy of reading!  By the way, Beverly Cleary is still alive and turned 98 on April 12!

Here are some pictures of our day! I didn't get a picture of every reader, but you will get the idea of our day from these pictures.

This is our second year to celebrate D.E.A.R. Day at Ben Davis. Several of our teachers decided to read a Beverly Cleary book as their read-aloud in the past week or two in conjunction with this day! I thought that was a great addition! Thanks teachers!
Here are some of our guest readers: a high school student,
a Central Office employee and grandfather to one of our 1st graders,
a partner in education who works at a local bank,
a sister to one of our teachers, she is a guest reader every Friday!

a former principal,

a police officer, who read Officer Buckle and Gloria:),

the children's librarian from our local public library,

and a retired fireman who is the grandfather to one of our kindergarteners!
The rest of the pictures show children enjoying their day!

Happy Reading!