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Monday, January 20, 2014

Tacky Day

This past Friday the Student Council sponsored a Tacky Day! The students could dress tacky or dress like Tacky the Penguin, which is a book by Helen Lester. I thought this was a very cute idea! I took some pictures and have decided to post them here on my blog, since it is all based on a book that we have in the library:)

Here's a review of the book from Publishers Weekly:

None of the penguins can tolerate Tacky's loud habits--until they scare off a pack of hunters. PW declared that "this book is must reading for any kid--or grown-up--who refuses to follow the pack."


 Haha. This is going to be his Birthday Book Club picture!
 Mrs. M (complete with penguin hat) and her sister - looking good!

Roll Tide to you both! Hmmm...I don't think this is tacky!

 I don't know who this person is:), but she does have on a Hawaiian shirt like Tacky wore.
Happy Reading!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

December in the Library

Here are pictures of a few things that went on in the library in December. I got sidetracked from posting on this blog with all the Christmas happenings around our house in December and early January. Enjoy!
First graders worked on features of nonfiction text. Labeling is one of those!

At the Fall Festival all our teachers (and the teachers at our sister 3rd - 5th grade sister school) put an item up for bid. My item is always  "Half-Day Librarian plus lunch with a friend in the library". I was so excited this year because a 3rd grader won it! It was nice to have her back at our school. She and her friend were really good help, and they enjoyed taking a tour to see all the changes at their former school!

 The Student Council sponsored a Sock Hop as a fundraiser and they scheduled it during the Book Fair! Good news for the library!

We sold lots of books during the three days of the Book Fair!

We dressed the part too! Thanks to my Facebook friends for both these poodle skirts!
During the last week of school I read Cobweb Christmas: The Tradition of Tinsel by Shirley Climo. It is set in Germany and tell the story of the Christmas miracle that Tante had always hoped for. After we read the story I give the students a few strands of tinsel and let them put it on the Christmas tree in the library. They love to do this! Here are a few of the students who learned about tinsel.