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Friday, March 6, 2015

Dr. Seuss Week - Day 3 - Wacky Wednesday

Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday, and that was our Dr. Seuss book of the day! Our dress-up theme was wear crazy socks or mismatched socks! One of our teachers is from New York and that is a real subway map on her sock! Super cool!
We had a guest reader, Mrs. Asmann! She is a former teacher and principal. She is a terrific reader! She did a great job of reading Wacky Wednesday outloud and that is very hard to do.

Now for pictures of the wacky socks!

We even had a few mismatched shoes!

I took most of these pictures in the cafeteria. I love how some of them proceeded to take their shoes off so that I could get a good look at their socks!

I will interrupt those pictures to show you some teacher socks! We have the best teachers at our school and they always participate with whatever is going on!

Here is a very crazy way to wear your socks!!
And one absolutely adorable teacher t-shirt!!
Back to our regularly scheduled pictures of children's socks!

Happy Reading to everyone!